Episode 77 – A School Psychologist’s Words to Live By…

Episode 77 #psychedpodcast is pleased to chat with Dr. MacDonald about dos/don’t for school psychologists, especially first year/early career psychs Powerpoint: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/112JlJbi3BlubciCeFXNBQFKWF1u3mcEd0pt3Q1UhoiI/edit?usp=sharing Dr. Heidi MacDonald is a school psychologist practicing in the state of Connecticut. She earned her doctoral degree from Penn State University. Currently, she works in an intermediate school with 3rd through 5th… Continue reading Episode 77 – A School Psychologist’s Words to Live By…

Episode 79 – Legally Defensible Psychoeducational Reports

Episode 79 Join #psychedpodcast as we talk with Dr. Carriere about writing psychoeducational evaluations! Dr. Carriere is co-author of “Writing Useful, Accessible, and Legally Defensible Psychoeducational Reports” Powerpoint: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dW-OC-hzUbjBPlk9aT9tsVC1wXA2ZOAy7q7EU-lVZrQ/edit?usp=sharing https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Writing+Useful%2C+Accessible%2C+and+Legally+Defensible+Psychoeducational+Reports-p-9781118205655 Jeanne Anne Carriere, PhD, is a Licensed Educational Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working within the public school system. She is the Director… Continue reading Episode 79 – Legally Defensible Psychoeducational Reports

Episode 78 – Selective Mutism Revisited…

Episode 78 #psychedpodcast is pleased to have Sheila Ratsch Lepkin back to chat about selective mutism! Sheila is the Colorado Coordinator for the Selective Mutism Association and has been an NCSP for over thirty years. She helps run a summer intensive camp for children with Selective Mutism with Anxiety Solutions of Denver called Courageous Kids… Continue reading Episode 78 – Selective Mutism Revisited…