SPP 138: Dr. Richard Nisbett and Critical Thinking

SPP 138: Dr. Richard Nisbett and Critical Thinking #psychedpodcast is excited to connect with Dr. Nisbett! https://www.richardnisbett.com/ Richard E. Nisbett is one of the world’s most respected psychologists. His work focuses on issues in social psychology and cognitive science. Richard E. Nisbett has received the Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions from the American Psychological Association… Continue reading SPP 138: Dr. Richard Nisbett and Critical Thinking

SPP 137: Dr. Amanda VanDerHeyden

SPP 137: Dr. Amanda VanDerHeyden #psychedpodcast is so thrilled to have Dr. VanDerHeyden back on! Special thanks to MedTravelers for sponsoring this episode! https://www.medtravelers.com/SchoolPsyched/ Amanda M. VanDerHeyden, Ph.D. is a private consultant and researcher who has worked as a researcher, consultant, and national trainer in a number of school districts and published more than 60… Continue reading SPP 137: Dr. Amanda VanDerHeyden

SPP Special Episode – Who Is Caring For The Carers

SPP Special Episode – Who Is Caring For The Carers Please join the School Psyched Podcast for a special follow up episode with Dr. Luthar. Authentic Connections http://www.suniyaluthar.org/#about https://view.publitas.com/national-association-of-independent-schools/fall-2020/page/64-65 Suniya Luthar is Co-Founder & Chief Research Officer at Authentic Connections and Professor Emerita at Columbia University’s Teachers College. After receiving her Ph.D. from Yale University… Continue reading SPP Special Episode – Who Is Caring For The Carers